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We got a bit worried…


…when we saw Alan flying past the airfield at 1,500ft 4hr 30mins into his 5 hour attempt. We shouldn’t have as he landed an hour later to claim Silver duration. This was especially odd as it was a 6000ft (AMSL) cloudbase kind of day. We had thought Alan might have airbraked down just to make it a bit more exciting, he assures us he didn’t.  In fact it was a great gliding day, in fact it wasnt a 1,000km task day, but only just –

at Shalbourne Jim, Phil’n’Carol and Chris set off xc up north taking the first cables as soon as the Cu arrived at Riv, we were stuck in a blue hole as beautiful clouds developed all around. Richard, Trevor & Steve rigged to enjoy local soaring and James and Paul rigged the Pirat for the first time since its overhaul.


JMX returned after its annual inspection, Andy and I taking it for an airtest, to fully explore the flight envelope you will understand some soaring was required…

If i wasnt in the back seat, i certainly would have been in one of those gliders… Andrew later used one to claim Silver Height.


We weren’t the only ones to soar, the duvets were having a good time and the field next to airfield was being cut for silage – the Kites seemed to enjoy that!


John returns

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