on Saturday Richard announced his retirement from gliding, after all once you have flown with a celebrity as famous as J-Lo what else can you achieve… (for our older members she is a popular music recording artist often found on the wireless dial somewhere between Radio 3 and classic FM).
Meanwhile, setting off under overcast skys I headed out to the north east to find brighter conditions and good, if not a little low thermals. A couple of laps up and down the country to Buckingham (in Buckinghamshire, if you don’t know where that is) gave me a flight of 285km. I even managed to find Winslow…
Under the overcast skies at home much soaring was still taking place.
Sunday rounded off a soarable weekend, albeit a little blue and windy. Colin managed to find “The Wave” just north of the ridge and worked it for a while. Others contented themselves with thermals, not least Phil flying about a 1000 trial lessons – all went home happy! The challenging conditions meant we welcomed a couple of outlandees from Bicester.
(PS Richard hasnt really retired, apparently the J Lo in the log was a different one, oh well!)