There are distinct advantages in not being burdened by “work” – one gets to fly on a Wednesday and even soar.
On the 5th Bill C and Paul P took the 3rd and 4th launch but didn’t return immediately clocking up 25 and 21 minutes respectively. A little later Tony P pipped that with 30 minutes but it was Ken R in the Vega that was soaring god of the day with 34 minutes. James H wheeled out the winch that had the transmission problems. Having tested it launching tyres it was time to try something a bit more challenging. First off was yours truly in the K8, 1,600′ launch but I found a way to loose height quickly to get back down in order to see how it faired with a Puchacz. Ken R was already settled into the Puchacz so I jumped in to provide a bit more ballast. Launch was fine and the winch declared fit for service. A huge, huge thanks to James H (and assistants) for getting us to nirvana (i.e. 2 operational winches). 28 launches clocked over the day.
Strangely, Saturday was flyable (but reportedly somewhat sporting) with Bob S forgetting to return to earth for 39 minutes. There were a few other extended flights but none even got to half of Bob’s time. 26 launches. Normal weekend flyability resumed on Sunday with a storm.

Who needs a tree surgeon when there’s a storm available
Thanks to Bill C handily having his chain saw in his car the fallen branches got chopped into draggable bits and the early birds at the club cleared the track. Another “sporting” day with 2-up flying being the order of the day – until towards the end of flying after a rain shower passed it got a lot calmer. A modest 16 launches with only one extended flight (Martin S with 12 minutes). A few SUGC members were able to take advantage of few (or no) lectures to come and fly.