After lots of flying on Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday I did think that we may be shorthanded on Wednesday – but, no, not at all. In fact more people flew than on any of the days of the long weekend. Mind, the numbers were boosted by a couple of Trial Lessons and Jonty bringing his 2 children (on holiday) along. Additional Liz appeared with her godson – delivering his flying birthday present (which has taken 4 years to delivered).
Wind direction was not as we expected what little there was of it came from the North rather than South East. Well, not until the last few launches when it changed to the forecast direction. High murk factor – not surprising as the high has been with us for a while.
On his second flight in the K8 Rowland stayed airborne for an hour at a time when some far more experienced pilots just did circuits. With only modest height launches on offer (due to the lack of wind) it was one of those days where you needed a bit of luck to get a sniff of a thermal before joining the circuit. Half a dozen flights of more than an hour (including both the HAX boys) and about a dozen other soaring flights. Bill C took longest flight honours with just over 2 hours in his K6 (on Monday he was flying the Duo Discuss – just a slight difference).
Fluffy Harris did another of his marathon sessions on the winch. The high spot of which was delivering one pilot doing annual checks to 600′ above the winch – much to the amusement of the duty instructor (not sure the pilot in question appreciated it in quite the same way).