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Wednesday 2nd September


What a splendid way to start a new month.  Not a “classic” day but a day with soaring opportunities (if you worked at it) which is more than can be said for many of the days this “summer”.  Rowland P took the first launch in the K8 and it was clear to see he wouldn’t be returning for a while.  Next up was Liz S and her visitor and they showed no signs of returning to earth in a hurry.  The it was Charles Mc and myself – this flight gave Charles lots of time to blow off the cobwebs after sailing in sunnier climes.  It turned out that was the best time of the day and Rowland’s 1:08 earned him the soaring crown of the day.

Later in the day new member Frank D and I crawled our way up to 2,700 in very weak lift and got a good view of 3 gliders attempting to join our thermal way below.  After we landed, before opening the canopy, the FLARM went crazy with flashing red lights as one of the gliders we had been watching landed, followed by another.  Turns out they were on a cross country course and heading back to Nymsfield after turning Basingstoke.  We heard later the third glider had pressed on and landed out in a field.

A reasonably busy day with 33 launches and over 9 hours of flying time – plus donuts and cooking apples on offer.

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