After the recent run of non-flyable days the drop in temperature, north wind , excellent visibility and sunshine were most welcome. I arrived to find the kit out and ready to fly – except we had no launch lights. Turned out to be less than straightforward to fix but the combined brain power found a way round the problem.
How many glider pilot does it take to change a bulb?
The 3 available club gliders were out and 3 private gliders rigged (K6, K7 and ASW-15). The north wind wasn’t strong enough to provide useful ridge lift but it was giving launches to 1,800′ in the K8. Ken R took the 4th launch in his K6 and stayed airborne for over an hour. The closest anyone else got to this was Peter E in his ASW15 with 27 minutes. 31 launches, 5 and a half hours flying time, 2 sets of annual checks ad a new member (welcome Robin) – a rather good day for November.
Autumn colours on display