A beautiful last Wednesday in October – almost shirt sleeves weather – with the entire club fleet online and no less than four instructors offering training and entertaining a youth group who came along so fly with us. The cloud base soon lifted after Bob’s brief sojourn ‘on top’ after which there was hardly a pause in launching. The day ended with the brilliant setting sun dictating right hand circuits until it’s rays faded behind a distant cloud bank, at which point the waiting Puchacz canopy misted over in the most dramatic way in less than two minutes.
There were brief opportunities to soar, but few flights lasted more than twenty minutes, so what was the point of it all? Well half a dozen youngsters who deserved something special went away smiling. A few new members got a step closer to going solo, while those further along honed their skills. Everyone enjoyed the day and it raised another £400 or so to brace the club coffers against expense of the coming winch rebuild.