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Wednesday 21st March


A rather splendid day (in the midst of a run of non-flying days) with Bob B setting the expectations on the second launch with 30 minutes.  Couple of launches later Paul B topped this with 52 minutes.  The tempting long clouds disappear and Paul thought he had longest flight honours in the bag.  He didn’t account for Martin S’s determination with his well timed 1 hour.  There were several other flights of around 30 minutes but as the day progressed we reverted to circuits.  Still, a most enjoyable day with climbs to 3,000′ and great views of remnants of the weekend’s snow.  35 launches in total.

In addition to the flying Charles Mc and Martin S made a good start in setting to using a mini digger to clear a base for then new winch shelter.

After that day the heavens opened and when it wasn’t raining the field has been too boggy to operate.  Spring? – Pah!  It will come as no surprise that March 2018 recorded the lowest number of launches, days flown and time flown in the last 10 years.

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