The sun teased out a number of folks from hibernation. Beany hats dusted off and out for an airing. The sky promised much but delivered little. Shortly after midday it looked as if the spell had be broken when Martin S clocked up 37 minutes but the rest continuing with extended circuits (up to about 20 minutes). Feeling secure Martin went off and busied himself with other things until Tony P returned from his flight with Peter E to let Martin know that the target now stood at 50 minutes. This galvanised Martin to try to regain his crown. Unfortunately the sky had turned blue by that time (the colour not the language). The wind had also livened up. Martin did manage to get more time in the air than Tony and Peter but it took 4 launches and his 58 minutes in the air was beaten (by me with 1:50 from 14 launches).
It was good to see Peter M again (and not just for the donuts though these were very welcome) and Geoff G has rejoined after his 4 year layoff. Tony P excelled himself with both homemade brownies and cookies – yum. Big thanks to Bob B for getting flying started and helping with the long list of folks looking for back seat ballast, Ken H for fixing the plumbing, the winch drivers and the folks that stayed to the end to help pack away. Actually, just thanks to everyone for pitching in and helping us clock up 47 launches