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Wednesday 10th May

Wednesday in the middle of course week could be expected to be busy and it was.  We were also joined by 4 folk making the most of their month’s membership included with a trial lesson.  Thanks to Colin B and Peter E (plus me) providing instruction we managed to get through the list – just.

Soaring available from the first launch to  the last (well, last but one).  However, launch into the sinking bit between the thermals and you were back on the ground fairly promptly.  In the morning the inversion put a lid on climbs to 2,400′ by the afternoon that lifted to 3,400′.

While the rest of us were enjoying the flying the highest Ken H got was the top of the toilet block.  We are fortunate to have members such as Ken prepared to take on the many jobs and projects that maintain and Improve the facilities.

BTW 3 of the 4 temporary members signed up for full membership.  Welcome Chris, Nick and Paddy.

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