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Wednesday 10th July

A pleasant summers day with mixed results on the soaring front.  Out of the three dozen launches just a dozen managed more then 30 minutes.  Unsurprisingly the “new” K8 proved popular.

Shalbourne “youth” welcome Denzel – average age 73

Peter E was kept busy with a BGA mini-course.  Colin B and Bob B and myself share the backseat duties.  The LS3-17 was rigged (thanks chaps, I didn’t deliberately sneak off to sit in the back seat while it was rigged) and both Bob and I got a decent flight in it.  There were reports of cloud base at 4,000′ and 6 knot thermals but I didn’t find more than 2,500′ and rarely did the average exceed 1 knot.  Tony P declared he had got his mojo back having got his timing right for a soaring flight.  He also reported that he had run out of self-raising flour, as had the supermarket, so no Wednesday treats this time (but the previous week there were double offerings).

The daytime crew handed over to the TLE volunteers who finished off the day flying members of a scout group.  Jonty H and Andrew P got there first opportunity to exercise

As there have been no other blog entries for the days since last Wednesday a brief summary of the flying since then

Thursday – Trial Lesson evening clocking up 20 launches

Saturday – 37 launches clocking up over 8 hours of flying but only 4 flights of more than 30 minutes

Sunday – 33 launches, less than 7 hours and only 3 of more than 30 minutes

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