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Thursday 8th October


Arriving at the club in the sunshine proved it was a good move slipping Wednesday a day.  However, first 3 launches proved it wasn’t as good as it looked with each doing a 5 minute circuit. Then Bob B and Denis G proved otherwise with a 27 minute flight but everyone else continued to do circuits.  The clouds looked good to the west to the north to the east and, you guessed it, to the south but scrappy above.  Around 14:30 Bill C (In a K8 on his free 3rd launch) and Bob B  (in a K13) managed to get away.


Bob B’s view from a K13 above cloud base

These did not appear on Bob's FLARM

These did not appear on Bob’s FLARM

Rod H then decided to get some of what was on offer and launched in the Puchacz.  There was a debate as to why he returned 8 minutes later, was it because he felt lonely without Paul P,  wanted to show Paul how it is done or needed some tips?  Whatever the reason the result was longest flight of the day at 1:11.   By the time I got my bum in the K8 it was little more than circuits on offer but scratched in some weak lift which eventually got me to within a nat’s of 3,100′ – drifted to the gibbet by that point.  Nothing else on offer but still enough to give me a 33 minute flight but only 4th in the longest flight stakes.

Not often do we get the chance to thermal to over 3,000′ on a day in October.  However, one problem with changing days from the usual day – no donuts 🙁

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