This year we are going to hold a combined task and soaring week beginning 11th August (tasks will be set from 9th-17th August).
The aim is to make it simple and fun – there will be multiple tasks per day for the range of experience on the day set by me and you wont need any complicated gubbins to record the tasks or have to memorise overly complex rules. In fact I intend to do all scoring in the pub and the results may change with consumption of IPA.
For those wishing to do local soaring that is fine but the field wont necessarily be supervised so you will need at least a bronze and xc endorsement unless you make a private arrangement with an instructor. The same applies for pre-solo, make a private arrangement with an instructor.
Ken has kindly volunteered to winch drive all week.
I guess we’ll visit the pub and have a BBQ or two after the glorious soaring weather that we’ll have. So save the date and watch out for more updates.