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Sunday 27th at the club


It’s days like this that one wishes we had the option of (occasionally) taking an aerotow or turning the field through 90 degrees. With the easterly wind launch heights were modest leaving insufficient time to find the lift. Only 1 person managed launch directly into a thermal and so was able to wander around at 4,000 to 5,000 around the countryside in the Vega. We did see lots of gliders passing overhead at great heights – grrrrrr.

The day started blue (with a NE wind) but the good stuff appeared from the south and the wind veered to the East. Mid afternoon the blue crept in from the south, the wind also moved to the south and we changed ends. With the dead sky came a couple of Lashamites unable to make it back home. With those 2 pilots plus some refugees from Wyvern and a couple of unbooked TLs appearing the visitors outnumbered the club members. Very pleased to welcome the Wyvern chaps who’s help at keeping things running and putting the toys away was much appreciated.

I took a launch shortly before 18:00 and much to my surprise managed to deliver a full 30 minute TL in what looked like dead air by gently milking the almost imperceptible lift.

Many thanks to the few club members who turn out and kept us flying with a special thanks to Nigel and Trevor for their long stints on the winch and Jim C who delivered 13 instructional flights.

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