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Sunday 10th November

Note from Duty Instructor Richard:

Fortunately all the recent rain didn’t waterlog the field bit cloudbase started rather low at 900 ‘. Luckily, we had some very well defined streeting so we just went up the side so I can report that cloud tops started at 1400’. The streets prevented ridge soaring attemps but there seemed to be an area of lift between the streets and above cloudbase. I got a couple of knots and 200′ from it so I think we were experiencing some gentle wave. Not often the duty instructor claims the two longest flights.

I know, this photo has nothing to do with flying at Rivar Hill but Richard didn’t have a photo from the day and Geoff G sent out this photo which seemed worth preserving on our website.

Geoff said:

This was taken with my iphone at Old Warden a few months ago. Yes, it did fly (after an aerotow), but not for very long !

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