At 20+ certainly summer temperatures (in the 2nd week of October!) but not summer soaring. With an ESE wind launch heights were pretty lackluster. This combination resulted in 40 of the 49 launches being 6, or less, minutes. OK, a few bung pulls in there (it is annual checks season) but not many. And, yes, I did say 49 launches – pretty impressive, eh? With 3 TLs and 3 from the Southampton Uni group plus a good turnout there was no shortage of people wanting to launch. Fortunately, Peter E and Colin B pitched in to help get through the list.
Given the briefness of most flights it was hardly surprising Geoff G got quite excited about his 8 minute flight. However, it was Ken R who proved it was possible to soar when all others simply returned to earth. Not only did he break into double digits but did so twice (19 and 12 minutes in the K8).
Tony P celebrated his birthday on the day by baking a scrumptious chocolate cake which we made short work of.