A bright sunny day and the forecast had changed overnight to something a little more promising. Only 4 people on the airfield but annual checks on the winch guillotine were completed and the field set up anyway.
JPC up first flight at 10:15, 1900′ winch launch and some weak but turbulent thermals. Chris was talked into rigging B1. Second flight for JPC, strong narrow thermals to 2500 rapidly building to 5 knots to 3000′ Spun down after B1 established. Third flight B1, soaring flight and the Vega came out to play. Cloudbase now 3500′. You get the idea…
We ended up with seven people on the airfield, all flew and all had soaring flights of varying duration many of about an hour. Everyone even laid off on the launch. Chris takes the prize though with just under two hours before his toes froze.
A heavy shower stopped play at about 2pm but all the toys were packed away in super quick time to avoid getting wet with the vega landing and being pushed into the hanger just as the showers hit. All in all a very good day. Probably the best of the weekend.