For our first Trial Lesson Evening of the year help members of 3rd Winchester Scouts to progress their aviation badges. Not the best of conditions with a lively cross-wind from the west and short flights on offer. A big group so the TLE crew were very gratefully to the “Wednesday boys” for getting our second K13 rigged and back in service. This meant we had all 3 of the 2-seaters pressed into operation. Fluffy Harris (who needs a windsock when Rodney is around – provided he’s not wearing a hat) did his usual fantastic job on the winch. Paul B opted for the quiet life in the Land Rover retrieving the gliders – quiet until the scouts discovered the joys of riding in our “classic” vehicle. Rob S, Graham T and Steve B kept gliders filled and launched. The result of the efficient operation is that we flew 18 scouts and 7 adults who all went away with a big smile on their faces.
PS most flights were either 5 or 6 minutes but Ken R defied gravity on one flight with an astounding 11 minutes