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Last Day of April


With the club expedition to Sutton Bank and a vintage rally happening elsewhere there was a very modest turnout.  Thermic from the start but the expectation was for showers in the afternoon.  The showers managed to avoid us but mid-afternoon the sky to the north changed and we stopped flying for about an hour.  During that period the wind went from due West to East and back again.

View to the North

A different story to the South

After that a few circuits were flown and the club gliders hangar flown.  On hangar flying the Puchcz, Nick J (Southampton student studying aeronautical engineering) was treated to a practical demonstration of ground effect.

Colin B had a memorable flight in the LS3-17 (already reported on) and Pete S went walk-about in the Nimbus for two and a half hours.  Highlight of the day was Stan O re-soloing after 20 years.  First solo from one of the group from Southampton University by Elijah A (who is already a Bronze pilot).

A huge “thank you” to Trevor G and Steve B who winched so the rest of us could fly, sacrificing their own flying.

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