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Happy New Year


Out with the old flying year and in with the new.  The last weekend of the previous year was exceptional – hopefully someone will make a contribution to the blog about it.  The first flying day of the new year was also exceptional with 33 launches and lots of soaring (for the time of the year) for a few hours in the afternoon.  Just to prove it here’s a picture of an empty launch point.

and one of glider sharing a thermal – unfortunately only 2 of the other 3 gliders managed to get themselves in the frame at the same time

Lots to keep Colin B, Peter E and myself busy in the backseat including the start of annual checks activity.  Longest flight honours went to Tony P and Peter E with 53 minutes.  Next longest was 44 minutes for Chris H with myself launching into a blue sky somehow we scrapped away and stayed aloft as others launched and landed.

Finally, here’s a contribution from my son who came across this rubbish bin in Tasmania

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