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Happy New (Flying) Year

Ken R’s view of the Solent

“The Mississippi Delta shining like a national guitar” so sang Paul Simon in Graceland and so I am inclined to on the rare occasions exceptional vis gives us a view of the Solent from 2,000’+.  Wednesday 2nd October was a day to get me singing.  The vis was fantastic, Ken R commenting that it was probably the clearest in his many years of flying from Rivar Hill.  What a way to start the clubs’ new flying (and financial) year with climbs to cloud base at 3,500 and flights of over an hour.

As ever, not everyone managed a soaring flight, just under half of the 36 launches were not much more than circuits.  The day started blue but, for the tenacious, there was weak lift to be worked.   About an hour after the first launch the sky looked good and we almost cleared the airfield with 6 of the 7 gliders airborne at the same time.  It then overdeveloped and flights were short but eventually the sky opened up forming just fabulous looking streets.

One happy SUGC member

The first 3 of this year’s new intake of SUGC members made an appearance with Alex J.  With 6 instructors on the field and very little competiton for their services, Michael, Hector and Vass got lots of opportunity to fly.  Colin B’s family visitors from Canada and Sweden got to experience a great view of the English countryside from the air too.

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