… for when Lockdown Mk III eases sufficiently for the club to re-open by ensuring we have instructors who are current. The CAA and Department For Transport decreed that it is allowed for instructors to fly solo in order to keep current So, on Saturday 27th March a baker’s dozen of instructors (should that be a coven?) turned up to do just that. They all managed to remember how to take off and land safely. Some even figured out what to do in between those events and thermaled to cloud base at 2,700′. The first 2 launches attracted the pre-10am launch discount. By mid-afternoon no one wanted the Vega so I forced myself to hangar fly it. After an hour I managed to find the hangar. Despite the field being operated by instructors everything ran smoothly and we clocked up 40 launches. Maybe that was due to Bob S and Paul P who came along to winch even though they weren’t able to fly. A huge thanks to Bob and Paul. Also to Martin H, Bob S and Martin S who did the annual checks on the winch the week before on a very cold day.
Jim C sharing a thermal
The following day there was more flying (13 launches) and the following Saturday (17 launches). On that Saturday Chris B rigged and stayed airborne for 2 hours 45 minutes. Fingers crossed the plan to allow outdoor sports to restart doesn’t change and we are able restart on Wednesday the 31st.
PS we now have 16 instructors current.