Well, it’s Easter, the schools are out, some are thinking of a short holiday and some of flying. Typically the forecast looks like its a bit of a mixed bag and, for the little knowledge I have of weather, it looks vaguely soarable on Friday in the south with a fairly early start but with lower cloud pushing down from the north by around midday. Probably still soarable underneath for a while but looking rubbish by 3pm.
Wind of 330/ 11 knots on the ground and 335/ 15 knots at height will help with decent launches, and the ridge will either help keep you aloft or kick off a thermal or two. Also worth keeping an eye out for paragliders if you are mucking about with the ridge, especially Coombe Gibbett end just don’t trust them to stay there.
Not worth watering the gliders but worth getting them out.
Phil has promised a big easter egg to the best cross country flight, which could be distance, speed or best place to land-out.