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Club exped – last report

As I write this most members who came up to Portmoak are now back down south.  Trevor and I are towing the remaining gliders back later today but so just time for a quick update covering the last few days of flying.

On Thursday the rain finally stopped around 5.30 and with the local evening flying group cancelled it was down to Shalbourne to run the airfield. With the aid of the professional winch driver and the rest of us manning the launch point Nigel took the Vega up for a 8 minute circuit swiftly followed by James who contacted a patch of lift which enabled him to stay up for 10 mins.

After the early low cloud cleared Friday turned out to be a reasonable day

  and both Nigel and Paul both had their first flight in a Junior. Nigel remarked that with Paul flying it should be called a Senior!

All in all a great week and I’m sure we will be back 🙂

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