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Bert Gallagher 22/02/1915 – 26/03/2016


Today we say ‘bon voyege’ to a fallen hero. Yesterday Bert Gallagher, a remarkable man – and someone I was proud to call a friend, was laid to rest. Liz Sparrow delivered a brief, upbeat homily on behalf of all of us. Those of us who new Bert admired his kindly ways and generosity.

He went solo in a glider in his eighth decade and if he hadn’t been racing motor cycles in his youth, heaven knows what he could have achieved in gliding had he started 60 years earlier.

                                                             RIP Bert

Because I fly I laugh more than other men I look up an see more than they, I know how the clouds feel, What it’s like to have the blue in my lap, to look down on birds, to feel freedom in a thing called the stick…

Who but I can slice between God’s billowed legs, and feel them laugh and crash with His step. Who else has seen the unclimbed peaks? The rainbow’s secret? The real reason birds sing? Because I fly, I envy no man on earth.

Grover C. Norwood

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