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6th August

After working out which end to fly from (and it wasn’t the one I chose first, sorry about that) we settled into a good thermic day with good climbs and high cloudbase that tended to infinite in the later afternoon.

Jim flew 300km to Cambridge and back reporting storming conditions in Beds and Cambs but had to change down a few gears to come through the blue. Phil and Carol went up to Cirencester in the Janus but conditions weren’t so good that way.

Back at home Alan found a weighing he was happy with and flew the Skylark, the perfectly proportioned Mini Nimbus rigged as did the LS4, LS3, K6cr and Jantar. The Brind family were flying their new Duo (sorry Ken’s, Julia and Bill if you didn’t know) and the club fleet was well utilised with Martin H re-soloing with a soaring flight after 5 years.

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