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5 May… a passing fancy

So today I told the rest of the Compette that my one objective for the day was not to get lower than 700′ above Shalbourne which is broadly what’s happened the last couple of times I’ve gone past – although I hasten to point out that as ever it proved thermic and I got away. Well, as those who were around today will know it was pretty much 8/8 most of the day – but we set a Compette task regardless – LAS/CBN/YTT/RIV/LAW/LFW – and indeed it proved possible to get round. I however took a calculated risk to go via RIV very low into a thermal and missed the bubble. As I rolled to a halt, the landrover drew up alongside, towed me back to the launch point offering the first cable.. I declined saying “no no, after you Mark (and you’re grounded forever if you don’t mark a thermal)” – which he duly did and I got away slowly and pootled gently back through the gloom to Lasham. Proves what’s possible even on a duff day! Have fun tomorrow – forecast is excellent and I fancy I WILL successfully pass RIV…

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