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Navy Day


Report from Stan Oram:


Despite varying interpretations of the weather forecast the optimists turned out to host a group of former Royal Navy Artificers and their family members for a Gliding Experience day arranged by our club member and their social Secretary , Stan Oram.

As it turned out the optimists got it right and we had a very good day’s flying. If you include Stan and his grandson James (now a club member himself) and Martin Henegan, of Portsmouth Naval Gliding Club (who renewed his acquaintance with old chum Steve Barber on the field) and himself a former artificer, who came along to help out with instructional flights for the day, there were eight RN and Families attendees who together clocked up 2 hours and 12 minutes for a very successful day, hosted by a variety of very helpful and obliging club members.

There were a couple of short breaks for heavy showers to pass through but everyone who wanted to fly (including club members) got to fly before we all packed up by about 5.30pm. All in all a very successful day which included an invitation from Martin, in his email thanking the club for a very warm welcome, for our club members who wish for a refresher on aerotows or to use a motor glider to arrange through him to visit PNGC.

Stan’s very appreciative thanks go to the club members who in typical jovial and willing fashion made it all worthwhile by doing all that needs doing to make flying operations possible.

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