As the locals predicted Tuesday was going to be a ridge day. With a light SW wind we were a little pessimistic of how it would perform but at least with Cu forming overhead we had the option of having a thermal flight if nothing else.
As usual the gliders which were left rigged overnight were readied for flight and we towed them over to the eastern launch run which was a novelty as the last two days flying were launching from the west. This direction is amazing as at the top of the launch you are over the loch.
View of Bishop from the launch point.
If you look closely you will see the Vega bottom right being flown by Nigel and in the top left is the Puchacz with Rod and Paul.
Nigel enjoying his first ridge flight in the Vega, the launch point is just around the corner of Bishop in line with St Serf island (in distance).
Below is a view from the same spot a little higher (and closer) than Nigel was at.
Colin, a member at Challock, showed us the workings of the jet sustainer fitted to his Shark.
The noise from this really is something prompting the CFI to ask him to start it up further away7 from the airfield next time……………I want one!
The ridge at Portmoak is truly amazing to run along and it is clear from the smiles that everyone thought this was the highlight of the week. Nigel, Jon and Wavey all had ridge flights over an hour, Paul and Rod in the Puch and Carol and I in the Janus clocked up around 3 hours apiece.
All in all a very good day and a lot of fun was had by all and I know that some of you have seen us flying in real time on the internet.
Today (Wednesday) is a non flying day but we hope to get into lee-wave tomorrow afternoon.