Fees & subscriptions
Adult £399.00 Annual. An adult is someone between 21 and 67 years of age at time of joining or renewing.
Spouse £299.00. Spouse of a regular Adult Member (25% discount on regular adult fee).
First Junior of member £101.25 Annual. Child of Adult member 18-21 years of age (25% discount off regular junior fee).
Additional junior of family member £67.50 Annual. Additional Child member after 1st Child and subsequent 18-21 years of age (50% discount of regular junior fee).
Retired £299.00 Annual. Over 67 years of age at time of joining or renewing.
Junior (under 21) £135.00 Annual. Under 21 years of age at time of joining or renewing.
Junior (under 18) £85.00 Annual. Under 18 years of age at time of joining or renewing.
Reciprocal £8.00 Daily. Applicable if guest's club would charge a Shalbourne member. Check current reciprocal club list.
Social Member £50.00 £25.00 Annual. 10 flights per year at full rate allowed.
Members' Guest £10.00 Daily. Charged to host's account.
Single Flight – Walk up £60.00 Up to 15mins (1 launch only). Includes 1 month membership. Walk ups only (not bookable, no voucher available)
Groups (pre-booked only) £50.00 £40.00 Groups of 8 or more. Evenings only, 1 launch. Junior rate only for youth groups (e.g. Scouts)
Trailer Storage £220/a, £40/m, £7/d A slot will be allocated. (50% discount for additional trailers).
Hangarage £10/n If available and subject to committee approval. Priority to wooden gliders.
Winch Launch £12.25 (£10.00 for Juniors). Training launch Failure £7.00 £5.00
Real Launch Failure are not charged.
Glider hire £0.45 (£0.35 Juniors) per minute. Capped at 3 hours for pre-authorised badge flights and XC, subject to committee approval.
Off site hire weekend £50.00 Daily. Per minute flying fees apply in addition. No charge for travel days. Subject to committee approval, request in writing 2.
Workshop £10/d Subject to committee approval and fair use, Club gliders have priority. Power charges apply
Generator 0.50/kWh Suggested donation for non-club use. Per meter display.
Adult Junior Escape1 £160.00 4 launches or 60 mins. 30 days membership
Escape75 £300.00 4 launches or 60mins on first day, then 75 days membership and 6 launches and 75mins credit.
Escape365 £1349.00 (£700.00 Juniors) Annual Membership is additional. Includes all flying fees for 12 months, must be pre-solo when purchasing.
Single £60.00 Up to 15mins (1 launch only). Includes 30 days membership. Walk ups only (not bookable, no voucher available)
Groups £50.00 £40.00 Evenings only, 1 launch. Junior rate only for youth groups (e.g. Scouts)
Charts etc At cost At cost.
Parachute repack At cost At cost.
The club committee is dedicated to ensuring that not only do you fly safe, but you fly! For those who are genuinely struggling to fund your flying, we want to make sure we are doing everything we can as a club to support you. We are proud to be a community amateur sports club and even more proud to be able to support members who have circumstances that have changed or cause you to need a little time. Please contact the Chairman or the Treasurer to discuss in confidence. Please do not wait, we can only help if we know you need help.